Products / Aluminium for Blister and flexible complex materials

Aluminium for Blister and flexible complex materials.


Specialists in the manufacture, printing and lamination in photogravure and flexography of complex flexible materials designed for wrapping of pharmaceutical, dietary, and veterinary products.

All the production processes are carried out inside a white Room which has ISO-8 (class 100.000) certification, with ventilation systems equipped with absolute, type H13 filters, to ensure the total absence of external contaminating agents.

  • Thermosolderable aluminium for blisters
  • Paper, aluminium and polyethylene complexes for single-dose sachets of granulated or powdered products
  • Paper or polyester complexes with aluminium or polyethylene for sachets of creams and liquids
  • Aluminium and polyethylene complexes for suppositories and clinical wrappings
  • Sterilizable materials